Friday, November 13, 2009


A) Trap Bar Deadlift- 5 x 3-5

B1) Forward Sled Drag- 3 x 20metres
B2) Backward Sled Drag- 3 x 20metres

C1) Cable Pull-Throughs- 3 x 12
C2) MB Twist- 3 x 20


A) Barbell Push Press- 5 x 3-5

B) DB Floor Press (neutral grip)- 4 x 12-15

C1) Chin-Ups- 4 x 8-12
C2) Banded Scarecrows- 4 x 8-12

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


A) Front Squat- 6 x 6-10

B) Bulgarian Split Squat, Front Leg Elevated- 3 x 8-10ea.

C1) Banded Glute Ham Raise w/vest- 3 x 8-12 + 1 Drop Set
C2) Slideboard Jacknife w/vest- 3 x 20


A) Barbell Bench Press- 5 x 3-5

B) Ring Push-Ups w/vest- 2 x Max Reps

C1) Ring Rows- 3 x 10-12
C2) Band Pull-Aparts- 3 x 10-12

D) Sandbag Press- 3 x Max Reps

Saturday, November 7, 2009


A) Banded Barbell Squat- 5 x 5-8

B1) Roman Deadlift Tire Flip and Hop- 2 x 6-8
B2) Mixed Grip Pull-Ups- 2 x 10-12

C1) Forward Sled Drag- 2 x 20m
C2) Bakward Sled Drag- 2 x 20m

Thursday, November 5, 2009


A) Incline DB Bench- 5 x 2-4

B1) Grappler Piston Press- 4 x 12-15ea.
B2) Feet Elevated Push-Up (close grip)- 4 x Max Reps

C1) T-Bar Row- 3 x 8
C2) Tire Hits- 3 x 40

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


A) Trap Bar Deadlift- 5 x 3-5

B1) *Overhead Lunge w/ plate- 3 x 20
*hold plate above head at lock out and do a lunge
B2) Grappler Landmines- 3 x 20

C1) One Arm DB Snatch- 3 x 8-10ea.
C2) Ab Wheel- 3 x 10-12

Saturday, October 31, 2009


A) Barbell Push Press- 5 x 3-5

B1) One Arm Dumbell Row- 3 x 10-15
B2) Banded Push-Up- 3 x 10-15

C1) Chin-Ups- 3 x 8-10
C2) Tate Press- 3 x 8-10

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Warm Up: Skipping, Foam Roll, Dynamic Stretching

A) Barbell Zercher Squats- 5 x 3 + 1 x Max Reps

B1) Barbell Good Mornings- 4 x 10
B2) Barbell Overhead Press- 4 x 10
B3) Barbell Row- 4 x 10

C1) KB Rope Rows- 3 x 20meters
C2) KB Rope Drags- 3 x 20 meters
C3) Glute-Ham Raise- 3 x 20

forgot the camera so there will be no videos for some of the new exercises, sorry.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


1) Face Pulls w/ band- 2 x 15
2) Standing Row w/band- 2 x 15
3) Chest Press w/ band- 2 x 15

A) Flat DB Bench- 4 x 4 + 2 x *Max Reps
*use around 50% of what you worked up to through the first 4 sets

B1) Mixed Grip Pull-Ups- 4 x 10
B2) Dips- 4 x 10

C) Sandbag Half Moons- 2 x 20 (can be done with a plate if you dont have sandbags)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A) Trap Bar Deadlift- 4 x 5

B1) Barbell Push Press- 4 x 5
B2) One Leg Hip Thrust- 4 x 10ea.

C) Tire Hits- 2 x 50

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Upper Body Blast

A1) Barbell Bench @ 135lbs- 5 x Max Reps
A2) Inverted Row- 5 x Max Reps

B1) DB Renegade Row @ 35lbs- 5 x Max Reps
B1) MB Twist @ 8kg.- 5 x Max Reps

Friday, October 16, 2009


A1) Barbell Squat- 4 x 5 + *2 x Max Reps
*use around 50% of what you worked up to
A2) Pull-Ups- 4 x 5 + 2 x Max Reps

B1) One Arm KB Snatch- 3 x 10ea.
B2) Ab Wheel- 3 x 10

C1) Glute-Ham Raise- 3 x 15
C2) *3 Point MB Slam- 3 x 10
*slam to the left, then middle, then right, then middle again- thats 1 rep]

Thursday, October 15, 2009


A1) Hang Clean- 5 x 10
A2) Barbell Row- 5 x 10

B1) One Arm DB Bench- 5 x 5ea.
B2) One Arm DB Push Press- 5 x 5ea.
B3) Face Pulls- 5 x 15

C1) Row- 4 x 250m
C2) Push-Ups- 4 x Max Reps

Monday, October 12, 2009

"Turkey Time"

5 rounds (for time) of:
1) Barbell Deadlift (185lbs)- 10
2) Squat Throws (8kg MB)- 10
3) Sit-Ups- 10
4) Push-Ups- 10
5) Box Jumps (24")- 10
6) Pull-Ups- 10
7) Burpees- 10
8) Walking Lunges- 10
9) Dips- 10
10) KB Swings (24kg KB)- 10

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Upper Body Day

(going for total reps, don't matter how many sets or reps you use just get to the total rep count at the end of the workout)
A) Barbell Overhead Press- 50
B) Parallel Dips- 50
C) Chin-Ups- 25
D) One Arm DB Rows- 50ea.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lower Body Blitz

for time:
1) Barbell Squats- 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10
2) MB Twists- 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12
3) Stair Sets- 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Upper Body Super Sets

A1) Banded DB Bench- 5 x 5
A2) T-Bar Row- 5 x 5

B1) Chin-Ups- 4 x 10
B2) DB Plank Row- 4 x 10ea.

C1) Feet Elevated Push-Up (close grip)- 3 x Max Reps
C2) Plank Plate Stack- 3 x 10 5lbs plates

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Posterior Punisher

A1) Babrell deadlift (wide grip)- 4 x 6
A2) 3 Point Med Ball Slam- 4 x 6 [slam to the left, then middle, then right, then middle again- thats 1 rep]

B1) DB One Arm Snatch- 4 x 6ea.
B2) DB Push Press- 4 x 6

C1) Row- 4 x 30sec.
C2) KB Swing- 4 x 30sec.
C3) Rest- 4 x 1min

D) Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x Drop Set (w/ light band, then mini band, then bw)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Repetition Upper Body

A1) Incline DB Bench (neutral grip)- 3 x Max Reps
A2) Incline DB Reverse Flyes- 3 x Max Reps

B1) BB Bench Press Lockout from pins (close-grip)- 3 x 15
B2) Ring Push-Ups- 3 x 15
B3) Seated Cable Row (neutral grip)- 3 x 15

C1) Barbell Overhead Press w/bands- 3 x 10
C2) Cable Chest Press- 3 x 10
C3) Ring Row- 3 x 10
C4) DB Straight Legged Sit Up- 3 x 10

Lower Body Supersets

A1) BB Front Squat- 6 x 8
A2) Burpees- 6 x 8

B1) DB One Legged Deadlift- 4 x 10ea.
B2) Glute-Ham Raise w/Band- 4 x 10

C1) DB Walking Lunge- 2 x 12ea.
C2) One Legged Hops- 2 x 12ea.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Old School Upper

1st workout back after being sick for a week, couldn't wait to get back in the gym, it was hard to sleep the night before.

A1) DB Bench- 5 x 5
A2) DB Overhead Press- 5 x 5
A3) DB One Arm Row- 5 x 5

B1) Neutral Grip Chin-Ups- 10-1
B2) Parallel Dips- 1-10

C1) Ab Wheel- 3 x 10
C2) MB Twists- 3 x 15ea.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Down The Ladder I"

Tri-Set for time of:
1) Reg. Deadlift- 10-1
2) One Arm KB Snatch- 10ea.-1ea.
3) Glute-Ham Raise- 10-1
*10-1 means do 10 reps, then 9, then 8, and so on. for this workout you would do 10 deadlifts, 10 kb snatch each arm then 10 ghr, then next set you would do the same but with 9 reps

Upper Body Ring Circuits

A1) Ring Pushups w/weighted vest- 4 x 10
A2) Ring Row w/weighted vest- 4 x 10

B1) Ring Pike Push-Up- 4 x 10
B2) Ring Reverse Flyes- 4 x 10

C1) Ring Roll-Outs- 4 x 10
C2) Row- 4 x 400m

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"7 Cubed"

7 Rounds (for time) of:

1) BB Squats- 7
2) Stair Sets- 7
3) KB Swings- 7
4) Burpees- 7
5) Med Ball Side Slams- 7ea.
6) KB High Pulls- 7
7) Chin-Ups- 7

Push/Pull Circuit

Due to school and work I have to switch to shorter more intense workouts to free up a little more study time

**5 Rounds (for time) of:
1) DB Push Press- 10
2) DB Flat Bench- 10
3) DB Plank Row- 10
4) DB Clean- 10
5) Row- 200m

**use the heaviest dumbbells as possible, should only be able to squeeze out 1 or 2 more reps for you 1st round, this leads to a fun 4th and 5th round!
**for time means to time your workout and try to finish as fast as possible, record the time then next time try to beat that time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 3- Day 4- ME Lower

A) BB Zercher Squat- Max Set x 5

B) Rack Pulls- 3 x 5

C1) Chin-Ups- 2 x 10
C2) Banded Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 10

D1) Single Leg Band Curl- 3 x 10ea.
D2) DB Side Bends- 3 x 10ea.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 3- Day 3- Rep. Upper

A) BB Overhead Press- Max Set x 3

B) DB Floor Press (palms in)- 3 x Max Reps

C1) Banded Lat Pulldown- 3 x 12
C2) 90degree KB Lateral Raise- 3 x 12
C3) Band Pull Apart- 3 x 12

D) Parallel Dips- 2 x Max Reps

Week 3- Day 2- DE Lower

A) Elevated Deadlift- 6 x 1 (about 60% of 1RM)

B) Barbell Row- 3 x 10

C1) One Arm KB Snatch- 3 x 10ea.
C2) Banded Glute-Ham Raise- 3 x 10

D1) Glute Bridge Ham Curls- 3 x 10
D2) Ab Pulldown- 3 x 10

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 3- Day 1- ME Upper

A) Weighted Parallel Dips- Max Set x 5

B) Deep Push-Ups- 2 x Max Reps

C1) Dumbbell Plank Rows- 3 x 15
C2) Facepulls- 3 x 15

D1) Kettlebell Clean and Press- 3 x 10
D2) Med Ball Side Slam- 3 x 10ea.

Monday, September 7, 2009

"Labour Day"

This workout was constructed by Dan Birks, Drive Exercise Specialist. It was a brutally awesome workout, I was ridiculously tired by the end.

5 rounds of:
1) Kettlebell Swings (24kg KB)- 1 min
2) Push-Up Burpees- 1 min
3) Med Ball Squat Throws (8kg MB)- 1 min
4) Box Jump (24" Box)- 1 min
5) Row- 1 min
* Count your reps for each exercise for each round; you are going for the highest possible total at the end, for the rows count total calories burned and use that for your totals.
** 20 seconds in between exercises just to get set and 1 min after each complete round to rest.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 2- Day 4- ME Lower

A) *Box Squat- Max Set x 5 (focusing on technique)

B) **Single Leg Romain Deadlift- 3 x 5ea.

C1) Chin-Ups- 3 x 8
C2) Banded Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 10 + 1 Drop Set (light band, mini band, body weight)
[max reps with light band, then max reps with mini band, then max reps with body weight, no rest in between]

D1) ***Banded Single Leg Curl- 3 x 8ea.
D2) Dumbbell Side Bends- 3 x 10ea.


Dope post by elitefts on nutrition for optimal performance, very simple yet effective

I was on a low/no carb, high fat, high protein diet for about the past year and I was convinced that carbs were the enemy; however, I recently shifted to a more balanced approach, eating moderate amount of natural carbs (oats, quinoa, whole grain wild rice, etc.), leaner proteins and healthy fats. Since reintorducing carbs back into my diet and balancing my protein a little better I have noticed gains in both strength and muscle mass.

No more excuses! Some strong words in this post by Ken Lopez to get off your ass and get proactive

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 2- Day 3- Rep. Upper

A) Dumbbell Push Press- 5 x 4

B) Flat Dumbbell Bench- 4 x 12-15

C1) Seated Band Pulldown- 3 x 12
C2) Seated Dumbbell Power Clean- 3 x 12

D) Parallel Bar Dips- 2 x Max Reps

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 2- Day 2- DE Lower

A) Elevated Deadlift (4")- 6 x 1

B) Barbell Row- 2 x 8

C1) Kettlebell Snatch- 2 x 8
C2) Glute Bridge + Ham Curl (w/hold)- 2 x 8

D1) Weighted Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 8
D2) Ab Pulldowns- 2 x 10

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2- Day 1- ME Upper

A) *Band Bench Press- Max Set x 3

B) Incline Dumbbell Bench- 2 x Max Reps

C1) T-Bar Row- 3 x 12
C2) One Arm Strict Dumbbell Press- 3 x 12ea.
C3) Band Pull Aparts- 3 x 12

Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 1- Day 4- ME Lower

A) *Front Squat- Max Set x 5

B) Snatch Grip Deadlift- 3 x 5 (heavy)

C1) Pull-Ups- 2 x 6
C2) **Weighted Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 6

D1) Pull Through- 2 x 6
D2) Kettlebell Side Bends- 2 x 10ea.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 1- Day 3- Rep. Upper

A) Overhead Press- 5 x 3

B) Parallel Bar Dips- 3 x Max Reps

C1) Chin-Ups- 4 x 8
C2) Rear Delt Flyes- 4 x 12

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 1- Day 2- DE Lower

A) Elevated Deadlift (4")- 8 x 3

B) Barbell Rows- 2 x 8

C1) *Kettlebell Snatch- 2 x 8ea.
C2) Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 8

D1) Glute Bridge + Hamstring Curl- 2 x 8 (hold @ bridge and @ curl)
D2) **Ab Pulldown- 2 x 10

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 1- Day 1- ME Upper

Back from Mexico now its time to get strong. This week I am going to begin incorporating a 12 week deadlift program by A.J. Roberts into my program for my dynamic and maximum effort lower days. I will do some tweaking to the program to fit my needs however it is more or less the same as his design on these days.

A) Reg. Barbell Bench- Max Set x 5

B) *Dumbbell Floor Press- 2 x Max Reps

C1) Narrow Grip Cable Rows- 4 x 12 (hold at full contraction)
C2) Facepulls- 4 x 12

D) **Barbell Clean and Push Press- 3 x 10

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Conditioning Workout


1a) Row 250meters- 3 sets
1b) Stairs- 3 x (however long it takes the other person to row 250m)
[This combo is meant to be done with 2 people in relay fashion, one person runs stairs and the other rows, once the rower reaches 250meters both people stop, then switch, thats one set. Also, keep track of the number of stairs you get each set, it will be used later on in the workout]

2a) *Overhead Walking Lunge w/ 45lbs plate- 3 x 20 steps
2b) **Kettlebell Clean and Thruster- 3 x 10
2c) Med Ball Twists- 3 x 20ea.

3a) Med Ball Side Slams- 3 x 10ea.
3b) Skip Rope- 3 x 100
3c) Pull-Ups- 3 x 15

4) Tire Flips- this is were the total stairs come into play, you have to do the number of tire flips that your partner got in total stairs (e.g. if I ran 4 sets of stairs each set Justin has to do 12 tire flips)

Friday, August 14, 2009

ME Lower

A) Reg. Deadlifts- work up to orm (one rep max)

B) Dumbbell Walking Lunge- 3 x 12ea.

C) Kettlebell Swing- 3 x 15

*Ab Circuit:
D1) Runners Sit-Up- 4 x 10
D2) V-Ups- 4 x 10
D3) Toe-Touches- 4 x 10
D4) Hip Thrusts- 4 x 10

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Repetition Upper

A) Overhead Press- 5 x 5 (*form emphasis)

B) Flat Dumbbell Bench (palms in)- 3 x Max Reps

C1) Chin-Ups- 3 x Max Reps
C2) Scarecrows- 3 x 8

D1) Chain Lateral Raise- 4 x 10
D2) Reverse Chain Curls- 4 x 12

Monday, August 10, 2009

ME Upper

A) Reg. Barbell Bench Press- Max Set x 5

B) Incline Dumbell Bench Press (palms in)- 2 x Max Reps

C1) Barbell Row- 4 x 10
C2) *Facepulls- 4 x 10

D1) *Kettlebell Clean and Press- 4 x 15
D2) Kettlebell Curl- 4 x 8

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Metcon Workout

5 Rounds *for time of:
A1) Burpees- 15
A2) 24kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat- 15
A3) 25lbs Med Ball Slam- 20
A4) 24kg Kettlebell Swing- 20

* for time means you time this workout and go as fast as you can, taking as little rest as possible, you aim for a lower time each time you do it

B) Skip Rope- 5min. (just to get rid of the lactic acid build up)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flex Bands

This is the site I ordered my flexbands from, they're good quality bands and the company is based out of Montreal so shipping is not that bad.

Friday, August 7, 2009

ME Lower

A) Barbell Box Squat- Max Set x 3

B) Dumbbell Step-Up w/ Romain Deadlift- 3 x 8ea.

C1) *Kettlebell Banded Reverse Hypers- 3 x 12 (loop band through kb handle and put feet through band)
C2) *Straight Arm Landmines- 3 x 12ea.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Repetition Upper

A) Barbell Push Press- 6 x 5

B) Barbell Bench Press- 4 x 10-15 (aim for 10 and see if you can bust out a few extra reps after that)

C1) Chin-Ups- 3 x Max Reps
C2) *Seated Dumbell Cleans- 3 x 10

D1) 90 Degree Lateral Raises- 4 x 12
D2) Banded Tricep Extension- 4 x 12

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HFCS and Summer

First of all what is HFCS?

HFCS is short for High Fructose Corn Syrup (also known as glucose-fructose in Canada). It is usually made from corn syrup which has a very high glucose content, on average about 80% but can range from anywhere between 20% and 100% , while your basic table sugar is about a 50/50 mix of glucose and fructose. As a result of enzymatic processing the fructose content of HFCS is increased to a level almost at par with table sugar; consequently giving it a similar level of sweetness to basic sugar.

What does it have to do with summer?

When you think of some summer foods the things that often come to mind are slurpees or slushies, popsicles and freezies. What do these "foods" all have in common... sugar of course but one type of sugar especially… high fructose corn syrup. HFCS is also found in canned and bottled beverages, all different types of fast food and many other items.

Click on link for a list of products containing HFCS

Why is HFCS harmful?

First of all it is manmade; it is a processed substance, it comes from processing corn syrup and corn syrup comes from processing corn starch (a separate post on the harmful effects of processed foods to come). In addition, it is often perceived as the "healthier" sweetener because people often associate the word fructose (the sugar from fruit) with fruit and fruit is healthy, and as a result of this train of thought they ingest more of it. However, sugar is still sugar and will have similar effects nonetheless. Also, most whole fruits are made up of at least 80% water and usually contain some fiber which helps regulate insulin levels spike from the fructose.

The main reason that HFCS is harmful is the path it takes through the good ol' digestive tract. When HFCS is consumed it takes a b-line to the liver and then the liver gives the body a signal to start storing fat. Furthermore, there is no pancreatic response when HFCS is digested; therefore, there isn’t any insulin secretion and without any insulin (a chemical in our blood produced by the pancreas) the brain still thinks it's hungry and we keep on eating.

Everyone who reads a newspaper or watches the news knows that diabetes and obesity rates have been rapidly rising over the last 15-20 years. There are many factors that cause this hasty increase; however, one that gets overlooked a lot is HFCS. Take a look at the graph below, it shows how our more natural sugars, cane and beet (the blue line), have decreased dramatically, and HFCS, an artificial sugar (the turquoise line) has increased a substantial amount.

To sum it up it's simple:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dynamic Lower

A) Hurdle Hops- 6 x 2 (max height)

B) Bulgarian Split Squats w/ front foot elevated- 3 x 8ea.

C1) Keg Pull Throughs- 3 x 10
C2) *Keg Zercher Squats- 3 x 10

D1) *Grappler Side Bends- 4 x 12ea.
D2) Power Rope- 4 x 25

Monday, August 3, 2009

ME Upper

A) Flat Dumbbell Bench (palms in)- Max Set x 5

B) Chin-ups- 2 x Max Reps

C1) T-Bar Row- 4 x 8
C2) Band Pull Apart- 4 x 12

D1) Strict One Arm Dumbbell Press- 4 x 10ea.
D2) *Kettlebell Banded Shrug - 4 x 10

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Interval Conditioning

A) Squrpees - 10 rounds @ 30sec/15sec
*a squrpee is a squat followed by a burpee (they're harder then they sound)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Active Recovery

A) Skip Rope- 15min @ moderate intensity (rest as little as possible)
B) Light Stretching

*10-20 minutes of steady state cardio and stretching on your recovery days has been said to reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness, the soreness you feel a day or 2 after a workout)

Friday, July 31, 2009

ME Lower

A) Wide Grip Elevated Deadlift- Max Set x 5 (about 3" of elevation)

B1) Kettlebell Reverse Lunge- 3 x 8ea. (kettlebells are awesome but if you don't have them just use dumbbells, tried to go w/ front foot elevated but hip flexor was bothering me)
B2) Tire Hits w/ sledge hammer- 3 x 10ea. (if no tire or sledgehammer you can do medicine ball slams starting from your left then right side)

C1) Swiss Ball Glute Bridge w/ Hamstring Curl- 3 x 12
C2) Slide Board Jackknife- 3 x 15 (if no slide board us a swiss ball, keep your but down but don't let your hips sag)

D) Stairs- 3 x 10 (up and down the set is 1 rep)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Repetition Upper

A) Tire Flips- 4 x 12 (if your gym doesn't have a tire its time to switch gyms, jk, but not really)

B1) Seated Band Pulldowns- 4 x 12
B2) *Scarecrows- 4 x 8 (surprisingly hard but good for shoulder rehab)

C) Dumbbell Pushpress- 4 x 8

D1) Safety Squat Bar Shrugs- 3 x 10 (uncomfortable but effective, make sure to keep chest up and out and shoulders back)
D2) Zottman Curls- 3 x 10
* I will be posting links for some of the more uncommon exercises but if you are unsure of any of the exercises just search them on YouTube or check out the group Iron Athletics by Ken Lopez on Facebook, a killer group, Ken is the man. If still unsure just post a comment on the blog.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dynamic Lower

A) Hurdle Hops- 8 x 2 (work up to max or pr (personal record) height by the 8th set)

B) Dumbbell Step-Ups- 3 x 10ea. (box height just above knee)

C1) Good Mornings w/ safety bar- 4 x 10
C2) Turkish Get-Up Sit-up w/ dumbbell - 4 x 12

D) Tabata Double Unders- 10 rounds of 20/10 (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)

Monday, July 27, 2009

ME Upper

A) Barbell Bench Press- Max Set x 5 (work up to your 5 rep max)

B) Incline Dumbbell Bench (palms in)- 2 x max reps (pick a weight where u can do around 15-25 reps)

C1) Inverted Rows w/ thick rope- 4 x 8
C2) Face Pulls- 4 x 8

D) Barbell Shrugs (nice and slow, keep chest out and shoulders back)

E1) Chin Ups- 3 x Max Reps
E2) Dumbbell Curls 3 x 15 ( slow up and extra slow down)

* exercises that are paired, denoted by 1 and 2, are to be done as a superset (back to back)
* all exercises are sets x reps

Program Template

Basically I’ve started using the Westside Barbell template the last few weeks while rehabbing from a couple of shoulder injuries, one at the beginning of May and one minor one at the beginning of July.

The program breaks down like this:

Monday: Max Effort [ME] Upper Body, usually thow in some light shoulder work too (can’t go to crazy right now do to my shoulder but should be able to start throwing on some more weight the next couple of weeks)

Tuesday: Dynamic Lower Body (which i suck ass at but its coming along, slowly)

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Repetition Upper Body, usually throw in some heavy shoulder work as well

Friday: Max Effort Lower Body (my favorite day for sure)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

* Usually on 1 or 2 of the rest days I like to throw in some cardio, usually in the form of intervals, or a little conditioning workout because I need to drop a few pounds plus being in shape is never a bad thing.