Thursday, July 30, 2009

Repetition Upper

A) Tire Flips- 4 x 12 (if your gym doesn't have a tire its time to switch gyms, jk, but not really)

B1) Seated Band Pulldowns- 4 x 12
B2) *Scarecrows- 4 x 8 (surprisingly hard but good for shoulder rehab)

C) Dumbbell Pushpress- 4 x 8

D1) Safety Squat Bar Shrugs- 3 x 10 (uncomfortable but effective, make sure to keep chest up and out and shoulders back)
D2) Zottman Curls- 3 x 10
* I will be posting links for some of the more uncommon exercises but if you are unsure of any of the exercises just search them on YouTube or check out the group Iron Athletics by Ken Lopez on Facebook, a killer group, Ken is the man. If still unsure just post a comment on the blog.

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