Friday, July 31, 2009

ME Lower

A) Wide Grip Elevated Deadlift- Max Set x 5 (about 3" of elevation)

B1) Kettlebell Reverse Lunge- 3 x 8ea. (kettlebells are awesome but if you don't have them just use dumbbells, tried to go w/ front foot elevated but hip flexor was bothering me)
B2) Tire Hits w/ sledge hammer- 3 x 10ea. (if no tire or sledgehammer you can do medicine ball slams starting from your left then right side)

C1) Swiss Ball Glute Bridge w/ Hamstring Curl- 3 x 12
C2) Slide Board Jackknife- 3 x 15 (if no slide board us a swiss ball, keep your but down but don't let your hips sag)

D) Stairs- 3 x 10 (up and down the set is 1 rep)

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