Monday, September 7, 2009

"Labour Day"

This workout was constructed by Dan Birks, Drive Exercise Specialist. It was a brutally awesome workout, I was ridiculously tired by the end.

5 rounds of:
1) Kettlebell Swings (24kg KB)- 1 min
2) Push-Up Burpees- 1 min
3) Med Ball Squat Throws (8kg MB)- 1 min
4) Box Jump (24" Box)- 1 min
5) Row- 1 min
* Count your reps for each exercise for each round; you are going for the highest possible total at the end, for the rows count total calories burned and use that for your totals.
** 20 seconds in between exercises just to get set and 1 min after each complete round to rest.

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