Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Down The Ladder I"

Tri-Set for time of:
1) Reg. Deadlift- 10-1
2) One Arm KB Snatch- 10ea.-1ea.
3) Glute-Ham Raise- 10-1
*10-1 means do 10 reps, then 9, then 8, and so on. for this workout you would do 10 deadlifts, 10 kb snatch each arm then 10 ghr, then next set you would do the same but with 9 reps

Upper Body Ring Circuits

A1) Ring Pushups w/weighted vest- 4 x 10
A2) Ring Row w/weighted vest- 4 x 10

B1) Ring Pike Push-Up- 4 x 10
B2) Ring Reverse Flyes- 4 x 10

C1) Ring Roll-Outs- 4 x 10
C2) Row- 4 x 400m

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"7 Cubed"

7 Rounds (for time) of:

1) BB Squats- 7
2) Stair Sets- 7
3) KB Swings- 7
4) Burpees- 7
5) Med Ball Side Slams- 7ea.
6) KB High Pulls- 7
7) Chin-Ups- 7

Push/Pull Circuit

Due to school and work I have to switch to shorter more intense workouts to free up a little more study time

**5 Rounds (for time) of:
1) DB Push Press- 10
2) DB Flat Bench- 10
3) DB Plank Row- 10
4) DB Clean- 10
5) Row- 200m

**use the heaviest dumbbells as possible, should only be able to squeeze out 1 or 2 more reps for you 1st round, this leads to a fun 4th and 5th round!
**for time means to time your workout and try to finish as fast as possible, record the time then next time try to beat that time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 3- Day 4- ME Lower

A) BB Zercher Squat- Max Set x 5

B) Rack Pulls- 3 x 5

C1) Chin-Ups- 2 x 10
C2) Banded Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 10

D1) Single Leg Band Curl- 3 x 10ea.
D2) DB Side Bends- 3 x 10ea.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 3- Day 3- Rep. Upper

A) BB Overhead Press- Max Set x 3

B) DB Floor Press (palms in)- 3 x Max Reps

C1) Banded Lat Pulldown- 3 x 12
C2) 90degree KB Lateral Raise- 3 x 12
C3) Band Pull Apart- 3 x 12

D) Parallel Dips- 2 x Max Reps

Week 3- Day 2- DE Lower

A) Elevated Deadlift- 6 x 1 (about 60% of 1RM)

B) Barbell Row- 3 x 10

C1) One Arm KB Snatch- 3 x 10ea.
C2) Banded Glute-Ham Raise- 3 x 10

D1) Glute Bridge Ham Curls- 3 x 10
D2) Ab Pulldown- 3 x 10

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 3- Day 1- ME Upper

A) Weighted Parallel Dips- Max Set x 5

B) Deep Push-Ups- 2 x Max Reps

C1) Dumbbell Plank Rows- 3 x 15
C2) Facepulls- 3 x 15

D1) Kettlebell Clean and Press- 3 x 10
D2) Med Ball Side Slam- 3 x 10ea.

Monday, September 7, 2009

"Labour Day"

This workout was constructed by Dan Birks, Drive Exercise Specialist. It was a brutally awesome workout, I was ridiculously tired by the end.

5 rounds of:
1) Kettlebell Swings (24kg KB)- 1 min
2) Push-Up Burpees- 1 min
3) Med Ball Squat Throws (8kg MB)- 1 min
4) Box Jump (24" Box)- 1 min
5) Row- 1 min
* Count your reps for each exercise for each round; you are going for the highest possible total at the end, for the rows count total calories burned and use that for your totals.
** 20 seconds in between exercises just to get set and 1 min after each complete round to rest.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 2- Day 4- ME Lower

A) *Box Squat- Max Set x 5 (focusing on technique)

B) **Single Leg Romain Deadlift- 3 x 5ea.

C1) Chin-Ups- 3 x 8
C2) Banded Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 10 + 1 Drop Set (light band, mini band, body weight)
[max reps with light band, then max reps with mini band, then max reps with body weight, no rest in between]

D1) ***Banded Single Leg Curl- 3 x 8ea.
D2) Dumbbell Side Bends- 3 x 10ea.


Dope post by elitefts on nutrition for optimal performance, very simple yet effective

I was on a low/no carb, high fat, high protein diet for about the past year and I was convinced that carbs were the enemy; however, I recently shifted to a more balanced approach, eating moderate amount of natural carbs (oats, quinoa, whole grain wild rice, etc.), leaner proteins and healthy fats. Since reintorducing carbs back into my diet and balancing my protein a little better I have noticed gains in both strength and muscle mass.

No more excuses! Some strong words in this post by Ken Lopez to get off your ass and get proactive

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 2- Day 3- Rep. Upper

A) Dumbbell Push Press- 5 x 4

B) Flat Dumbbell Bench- 4 x 12-15

C1) Seated Band Pulldown- 3 x 12
C2) Seated Dumbbell Power Clean- 3 x 12

D) Parallel Bar Dips- 2 x Max Reps

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 2- Day 2- DE Lower

A) Elevated Deadlift (4")- 6 x 1

B) Barbell Row- 2 x 8

C1) Kettlebell Snatch- 2 x 8
C2) Glute Bridge + Ham Curl (w/hold)- 2 x 8

D1) Weighted Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x 8
D2) Ab Pulldowns- 2 x 10