Saturday, October 31, 2009


A) Barbell Push Press- 5 x 3-5

B1) One Arm Dumbell Row- 3 x 10-15
B2) Banded Push-Up- 3 x 10-15

C1) Chin-Ups- 3 x 8-10
C2) Tate Press- 3 x 8-10

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Warm Up: Skipping, Foam Roll, Dynamic Stretching

A) Barbell Zercher Squats- 5 x 3 + 1 x Max Reps

B1) Barbell Good Mornings- 4 x 10
B2) Barbell Overhead Press- 4 x 10
B3) Barbell Row- 4 x 10

C1) KB Rope Rows- 3 x 20meters
C2) KB Rope Drags- 3 x 20 meters
C3) Glute-Ham Raise- 3 x 20

forgot the camera so there will be no videos for some of the new exercises, sorry.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


1) Face Pulls w/ band- 2 x 15
2) Standing Row w/band- 2 x 15
3) Chest Press w/ band- 2 x 15

A) Flat DB Bench- 4 x 4 + 2 x *Max Reps
*use around 50% of what you worked up to through the first 4 sets

B1) Mixed Grip Pull-Ups- 4 x 10
B2) Dips- 4 x 10

C) Sandbag Half Moons- 2 x 20 (can be done with a plate if you dont have sandbags)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A) Trap Bar Deadlift- 4 x 5

B1) Barbell Push Press- 4 x 5
B2) One Leg Hip Thrust- 4 x 10ea.

C) Tire Hits- 2 x 50

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Upper Body Blast

A1) Barbell Bench @ 135lbs- 5 x Max Reps
A2) Inverted Row- 5 x Max Reps

B1) DB Renegade Row @ 35lbs- 5 x Max Reps
B1) MB Twist @ 8kg.- 5 x Max Reps

Friday, October 16, 2009


A1) Barbell Squat- 4 x 5 + *2 x Max Reps
*use around 50% of what you worked up to
A2) Pull-Ups- 4 x 5 + 2 x Max Reps

B1) One Arm KB Snatch- 3 x 10ea.
B2) Ab Wheel- 3 x 10

C1) Glute-Ham Raise- 3 x 15
C2) *3 Point MB Slam- 3 x 10
*slam to the left, then middle, then right, then middle again- thats 1 rep]

Thursday, October 15, 2009


A1) Hang Clean- 5 x 10
A2) Barbell Row- 5 x 10

B1) One Arm DB Bench- 5 x 5ea.
B2) One Arm DB Push Press- 5 x 5ea.
B3) Face Pulls- 5 x 15

C1) Row- 4 x 250m
C2) Push-Ups- 4 x Max Reps

Monday, October 12, 2009

"Turkey Time"

5 rounds (for time) of:
1) Barbell Deadlift (185lbs)- 10
2) Squat Throws (8kg MB)- 10
3) Sit-Ups- 10
4) Push-Ups- 10
5) Box Jumps (24")- 10
6) Pull-Ups- 10
7) Burpees- 10
8) Walking Lunges- 10
9) Dips- 10
10) KB Swings (24kg KB)- 10

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Upper Body Day

(going for total reps, don't matter how many sets or reps you use just get to the total rep count at the end of the workout)
A) Barbell Overhead Press- 50
B) Parallel Dips- 50
C) Chin-Ups- 25
D) One Arm DB Rows- 50ea.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lower Body Blitz

for time:
1) Barbell Squats- 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10
2) MB Twists- 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12
3) Stair Sets- 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Upper Body Super Sets

A1) Banded DB Bench- 5 x 5
A2) T-Bar Row- 5 x 5

B1) Chin-Ups- 4 x 10
B2) DB Plank Row- 4 x 10ea.

C1) Feet Elevated Push-Up (close grip)- 3 x Max Reps
C2) Plank Plate Stack- 3 x 10 5lbs plates

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Posterior Punisher

A1) Babrell deadlift (wide grip)- 4 x 6
A2) 3 Point Med Ball Slam- 4 x 6 [slam to the left, then middle, then right, then middle again- thats 1 rep]

B1) DB One Arm Snatch- 4 x 6ea.
B2) DB Push Press- 4 x 6

C1) Row- 4 x 30sec.
C2) KB Swing- 4 x 30sec.
C3) Rest- 4 x 1min

D) Glute-Ham Raise- 2 x Drop Set (w/ light band, then mini band, then bw)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Repetition Upper Body

A1) Incline DB Bench (neutral grip)- 3 x Max Reps
A2) Incline DB Reverse Flyes- 3 x Max Reps

B1) BB Bench Press Lockout from pins (close-grip)- 3 x 15
B2) Ring Push-Ups- 3 x 15
B3) Seated Cable Row (neutral grip)- 3 x 15

C1) Barbell Overhead Press w/bands- 3 x 10
C2) Cable Chest Press- 3 x 10
C3) Ring Row- 3 x 10
C4) DB Straight Legged Sit Up- 3 x 10

Lower Body Supersets

A1) BB Front Squat- 6 x 8
A2) Burpees- 6 x 8

B1) DB One Legged Deadlift- 4 x 10ea.
B2) Glute-Ham Raise w/Band- 4 x 10

C1) DB Walking Lunge- 2 x 12ea.
C2) One Legged Hops- 2 x 12ea.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Old School Upper

1st workout back after being sick for a week, couldn't wait to get back in the gym, it was hard to sleep the night before.

A1) DB Bench- 5 x 5
A2) DB Overhead Press- 5 x 5
A3) DB One Arm Row- 5 x 5

B1) Neutral Grip Chin-Ups- 10-1
B2) Parallel Dips- 1-10

C1) Ab Wheel- 3 x 10
C2) MB Twists- 3 x 15ea.