Friday, July 31, 2009

ME Lower

A) Wide Grip Elevated Deadlift- Max Set x 5 (about 3" of elevation)

B1) Kettlebell Reverse Lunge- 3 x 8ea. (kettlebells are awesome but if you don't have them just use dumbbells, tried to go w/ front foot elevated but hip flexor was bothering me)
B2) Tire Hits w/ sledge hammer- 3 x 10ea. (if no tire or sledgehammer you can do medicine ball slams starting from your left then right side)

C1) Swiss Ball Glute Bridge w/ Hamstring Curl- 3 x 12
C2) Slide Board Jackknife- 3 x 15 (if no slide board us a swiss ball, keep your but down but don't let your hips sag)

D) Stairs- 3 x 10 (up and down the set is 1 rep)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Repetition Upper

A) Tire Flips- 4 x 12 (if your gym doesn't have a tire its time to switch gyms, jk, but not really)

B1) Seated Band Pulldowns- 4 x 12
B2) *Scarecrows- 4 x 8 (surprisingly hard but good for shoulder rehab)

C) Dumbbell Pushpress- 4 x 8

D1) Safety Squat Bar Shrugs- 3 x 10 (uncomfortable but effective, make sure to keep chest up and out and shoulders back)
D2) Zottman Curls- 3 x 10
* I will be posting links for some of the more uncommon exercises but if you are unsure of any of the exercises just search them on YouTube or check out the group Iron Athletics by Ken Lopez on Facebook, a killer group, Ken is the man. If still unsure just post a comment on the blog.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dynamic Lower

A) Hurdle Hops- 8 x 2 (work up to max or pr (personal record) height by the 8th set)

B) Dumbbell Step-Ups- 3 x 10ea. (box height just above knee)

C1) Good Mornings w/ safety bar- 4 x 10
C2) Turkish Get-Up Sit-up w/ dumbbell - 4 x 12

D) Tabata Double Unders- 10 rounds of 20/10 (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)

Monday, July 27, 2009

ME Upper

A) Barbell Bench Press- Max Set x 5 (work up to your 5 rep max)

B) Incline Dumbbell Bench (palms in)- 2 x max reps (pick a weight where u can do around 15-25 reps)

C1) Inverted Rows w/ thick rope- 4 x 8
C2) Face Pulls- 4 x 8

D) Barbell Shrugs (nice and slow, keep chest out and shoulders back)

E1) Chin Ups- 3 x Max Reps
E2) Dumbbell Curls 3 x 15 ( slow up and extra slow down)

* exercises that are paired, denoted by 1 and 2, are to be done as a superset (back to back)
* all exercises are sets x reps

Program Template

Basically I’ve started using the Westside Barbell template the last few weeks while rehabbing from a couple of shoulder injuries, one at the beginning of May and one minor one at the beginning of July.

The program breaks down like this:

Monday: Max Effort [ME] Upper Body, usually thow in some light shoulder work too (can’t go to crazy right now do to my shoulder but should be able to start throwing on some more weight the next couple of weeks)

Tuesday: Dynamic Lower Body (which i suck ass at but its coming along, slowly)

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Repetition Upper Body, usually throw in some heavy shoulder work as well

Friday: Max Effort Lower Body (my favorite day for sure)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

* Usually on 1 or 2 of the rest days I like to throw in some cardio, usually in the form of intervals, or a little conditioning workout because I need to drop a few pounds plus being in shape is never a bad thing.